Barracks into Town Center
The goal of this build is to have some Age I Military Units early on to either put some pressure or defend against the opponent's pressure.
- Start by sending your first 3 Villagers to the nearby Trees.
- The next Villagers that are trained from your Town Center will go to the nearest Huntables and build a Storehouse there.

1. Gather Wood from Trees
- Once you have 200 Wood (after spending 50 Wood to build your Hunt Storehouse) you can start building your Barracks.
- Gather 50 more Wood so you can afford a Storehouse next to your Woodline.
- The next Villagers from your Town Center will go to the Hunt to increase your Food income so you can afford making Villagers and Military Units.

2. Build your Barracks
- If you use this opening to be aggressive you can use your units to harass your opponent’s Hunt or Woodline. When harassing their Woodline keep constant attention to your Units so they don’t get hit by too many shots from your opponent's Town Center.
- Once you can sustain Villager and Military production, build a Storehouse next to your Stone Mine and start gathering Stone so you can build your second Town Center when you reach Age II.

3. Start training Military

1. Gather Wood from Trees

2. Build your Barracks

3. Start training Military